Saturday, March 13, 2010

Craftomania Rocks!

So I've been using the Craftomania toolbar for a little while now, and they have these great links for sellers on Etsy. One (of many) is They are great! They do advertising for your Etsy shop free and they have other cool tools as well like the new TagWars and a neat screensaver of Etsy Favs.

I was tickled to have my morning cup of coffee and see that ReUpCycle Vintage is on the front page of Tools for Etsy! What a great way to start a morning. I would have never found them if it weren't for the AWESOME links at For Etsy sellers this is a Must HAve. It has been crucial in helping me learn about new tools and stay involved more. They also have some great founders with a lot of talent! StoryBeader did a great interview on Craftomania creators here :

It's a great look at the wonderful minds and talent that created this site.

Thank you Craftomania creators and Tools4Etsy!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Romancing the zipper again tee-hee

Two more Zipper Rings just finished,these are so much fun to do.